dr. fell

Non amo te, nec possum dicere quare;
Hoc tantum posso dicere, non amo te.

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Roaring Twenties

All these snapshots were in the bundle I bought at auction with pix developed in Casper, Wyoming. I don't know if they're from the same trip, but I believe they are, many of them, the same people, and dated from 1926, 1927, & 1929.

There were close to 100 photos in that collection. I intend to share them all, in small bunches.

Assuming you know as much about them as I do, don't worry  – just make them an imaginary part of your family, and tell your own stories around them, today.

Click any image to embiggen, and please, copy/share if you like what you see.

Hiding behind the hollyhocks

Looking a little sheepish…

Among the spring flowers, the boy on the right is not particularly impressed with the plans for the Easter pageant
detail here:


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