dr. fell

Non amo te, nec possum dicere quare;
Hoc tantum posso dicere, non amo te.

Sunday, April 03, 2022

I Love a 1940s Parade Lineup


More pix discovered among the postcards I bought, lo, these long years ago, at auction. They were tucked away in an album, treated as though they were a souvenir folder or booklet, when, in fact, they were a souvenir booklet of a more private sort… much as I like them, I am still paring down the contents of my visual library, so, now that they are digitally recorded, the originals will go to a good home, soon.

I am unsure of the location of the parade – perhaps someone can tell from the buildings in the background of some of the photos? – but, by the sign on the side of the car, the passenger is, supposedly, Miss Eastern Iowa 1947, so that might be a bit of a clue. Or not. 

Guys, is that an Olds Futuramic convertible she's sitting in? 
It's even more intriguing than the outfit of flowers she's dressed in.

We can narrow the date down to 1947 or even late '48 by this (she may be the outgoing diva, after all – although, by the fresh floral crown, I'd guess the opposite). The hood & ornament of the beauty of an Oldsmobile she's sitting in makes me think it's a '48, but, again, I may be in error. (Want to bet it was a lovely shade of crimson?).  Between the car and the history of beauty pageants, someone ought to be able to figure out more, but that someone will not be me, today.

Still, let's get our ducks in a row, and tell 'em to strike up the band.

This is not a guarantee of location of the parade,
or the identity of the photographer,
but it might also be a clue.
One never knows, do one?

I guess we can also make the assumption that whoever took these snapshots was a family member (or hoped to become one) of one of those majorettes. Or, maybe Miss Eastern Iowa 1947 had been a member, and asked a friend to get pix of everybody, since she couldn't march with them. 

Boots – boots – boots – boots, movin' up an' down again.

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