dr. fell

Non amo te, nec possum dicere quare;
Hoc tantum posso dicere, non amo te.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Generations, and How They Happen

It's a story not all will appreciate
One more dive into the boxes of photographs I acquired from auction... 

I'm almost gonna miss this crowd, now that I've cleared out another box into my digital archive. Except for the allergies…

click any image to embiggen. if you like what you see, please feel free to copy/share

One day, the girl next door
comes of age

and a few years later, the boy 
grows up enough to notice her.

To him, she looks angelic

in any pose

from flirty 

to scholarly

he's always stunned by her loveliness

and brooks no competition
for her affection.

She notices no others.

He puts on his
most noble countenance.

She dresses to earn his attentions
causing the other girls to
scowl in envy.

She waits patiently for the special day

and contemplates her life ahead, when
she wears his wedding ring.

She wishes he would hurry
into her arms,

worries, sometimes,
at love's uncertainties

but is determined they will
be together, forever.

He thinks he's in control of his life

but is mostly in confusion

until he finally screws up his courage

and asks her father for her hand.

Her mother approves. Sort of.

His mother, not so much.

But they are betrothed

Father prepares to give the bride away

and then the two young lovers
are united in matrimony.

The honeymoon leaves them
exhausted, and then…

…ten years and nine children later, 
they're no longer those spry young lovers
you met long ago.

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