dr. fell

Non amo te, nec possum dicere quare;
Hoc tantum posso dicere, non amo te.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

The Noisy Pillow

Noisy Pillow 001
Originally uploaded by the NOB.
Mom has posted the entire of another of my children's stories, the series I began for my brother's sons, at her photoblog, for all to see.
This picture is the title page, and I hope it's sufficiently enticing to lure you into it...

Now, I'm taking a nap. ;-)

Update, 20 Jul.2006: I've decided to lock in thumbnails for the rest of the pages, for when Mom's Flickr photoblog reaches maximum capacity. Click for larger views:
Noisy Pillow 01 Noisy Pillow 02 Noisy Pillow 03 Noisy Pillow 04 Noisy Pillow 05 Noisy Pillow 06 Noisy Pillow 07 Noisy Pillow 08 Noisy Pillow 09 Noisy Pillow 10 Noisy Pillow 11 Noisy Pillow 12 Noisy Pillow 13 Noisy Pillow 14 Noisy Pillow 15 Noisy Pillow 16 copy Noisy Pillow 17 - end copy

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